Beate Lohnert
Conference: Sustainable African Cities - Debating Current Challenges and Exploring Future Pathways
Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in Kooperation mit der Ghana Acedemy of Arts and Sciences un der Southern African Academy of Arts and Sciences
3.-6.July 2018, Accra Ghana
Report: Sustainable African Cities, Accra 2018
Diercke Spezial: Subsaharisches Afrika (Buchprojekt)
Region: Subsaharisches Afrika
Zeit: 2014
Autor: Beate Lohnert
ISBN-10: 3141510385.
Waste Management in Mid-sized Cies in Southern Africa
Region: Botswana, Samia
Zeit: 2011-2014
Mitarbeiter: Beate Lohnert, Fred Krüger, et al.
Workshop: Microfinance Groups in Eastafrica
Region: Tansania, Kenia, Uganda
Zeit: Feb. 2015
Leitung: Christoph Koch, Beate Lohnert